Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1210 kHz (AM)
50 kW (unlimited)
Non-directional antenna

Monitored on the Global Tuners receiver in New Hartford, Connecticut
at 2130 (UTC) = 5:30 PM (Eastern)
Monday, October 10, 2011 (Eastern)
SINPO: 45344

A broadcast (any broadcast) from Pennsylvania was more difficult to locate than I would have expected, considering the relatively short distance to this receiver in Connecticut, but WPHT came in relatively strong around sunset skip, and that's that!

A message for SunToSun.com preceded a station ID, "Talk Radio 1210 WPHT" and a time check at 5:30 PM (Eastern).  "The Big Money Report" was read by John Goldenberg, with mention of a strong stock market rally this Columbus Day.  A quick plug for Chestnut Hill College accelerated degree programs was read by R.J. McCay.

A brief spot for Apple's iPhone 4S followed, and then a message from (800) JUSTICE, and the weather and traffic reports, read by John Brown.  Klein & Specter sponsored the next segment, with a discussion of a missing child in Kansas City.

The signal was consistent but there was a fair amount of noise.  At least there was no interference from other stations, and little fading.

 A short clip of the transmission with station ID can be accessed here.
(May need to increase the volume control on your computer.)

The station’s web site is linked here.

Here is a virtual screenshot of the receiver
(actually an ICOM PCR-1500 with a 176' dipole and discone antenna,
and an AM loop antenna applied for this reception -- thanks, Tom!)
from Global Tuners (click to enlarge):

Here is a map showing the distance from transmitter to receiver (click to enlarge):

I sent a request for a QSL via U.S. mail on October 12, 2011.
I will post it here as soon as it arrives.
