Montréal, Québec
1650 kHz (AM)
1 kW (unlimited)
Directional antenna

Monitored on the Global Tuners receiver in New Hartford, Connecticut
at 0540 (UTC) = 1:40 AM (Eastern)
Monday, October 3, 2011 (Eastern)
SINPO:  44334

CJRS bills itself as Canada's only trilingual radio station, broadcasting in French, English, and Hebrew, and North America's only Jewish station.  I tuned in for Rabbi Haim Harboun's École des Parents ("School for Parents") program.  Indeed, Rabbi Harboun spoke frequently of parents and enfants.

At nearly a quarter before the hour, the announcer stated, "Radio Shalom, Montréal, 1650 AM, les dernières nouvelles sur Radio Shalom, nationales et internationales, 8h00, 13h00, et 17h00, (514) 738-4100."  The Internet address Radio-Shalom.ca was also given.
The signal was generally strong with only minor background interference; however, there was some noise at times, as well as some fading, but for a 1 kW station, I found the reception remarkable.

 A short clip of the transmission with station ID can be accessed here.
(May need to increase the volume control on your computer.)

The station’s web site (this time in English) is linked here.

Here is a virtual screenshot of the receiver (actually an ICOM PCR-1500
with a 176' dipole and discone antenna) from Global Tuners (click to enlarge):

Here is a map showing the distance from transmitter to receiver (click to enlarge):

I sent a request (in French) for a QSL via U.S. mail on October 5, 2011.

A QSL letter was received on October 17, 2011, as shown below.
Thank you, CJRS!  (Click to enlarge.)
