Warwick, Rhode Island
1590 kHz (AM)
5 kW (unlimited)
Directional antenna, varying by time of day

Monitored on the Global Tuners receiver in Boutiliers Point, Nova Scotia
at 0530 (UTC) = 1:30 AM (Eastern)
Wednesday, September 28, 2011 (Eastern)
SINPO:  43444

I tuned in and heard June Hunt's "Hope in the Night" program, with Dr. Hunt aiding a listener with family problems.  There was an advertisement for "Our Daily Bread" just before the station identification "WARV, life-changing radio", clearly announced at the half-hour.  There was another station ID at the top of the hour, with a public service message about managing creditors, followed by news headlines.

The signal was fairly strong and generally consistent, which is remarkable for a 5 kW station at this distance from transmitter to receiver, but with some background interference from unknown stations.  Fading was relatively minimal.

 A short clip of the transmission with station ID can be accessed here.
(May need to increase the volume control on your computer.)

The station’s web site is linked here.

Here is a virtual screenshot of the receiver (actually an ICOM PCR-1000
with a loop antenna aimed for NE/SW signals -- see signal path below)
from Global Tuners (click to enlarge):

Here is a map showing the distance from transmitter to receiver (click to enlarge):

I sent a request for a QSL via U.S. mail on September 29, 2011.

A QSL letter was received on October 11, 2011, as shown below.
Thank you, WARV!  (Click to enlarge.)
